What Foods Should You Avoid During Pregnancy

What Foods Should You Avoid During Pregnancy
Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy


The Overview of Eating During Pregnancy.

Learn the food products to avoid complications in pregnancy, the foods that help and their benefits.

Pregnancy is a delicate time of a mother’s life, and the nutritional choices she makes would determine the health of the child in the long run.

Although pregnant women can eat most food items from their various classes, moderation and carefulness Is very important as the health of both mother and child depends on the lifestyle choices she makes.

When food is not eaten in moderation during pregnancy, the mother and child tends to suffer from complications such as;

●       Diabetes and a raised blood sugar level

●       Lack of balanced diet and proper consumption of vitamins will cause a serious defect on the mother’s health as the fetus takes nutrients from the mother’s body

●       Unnecessary weight gain. Although pregnant women are required to consume more calories as they progress into the pregnancy, more than recommended calorie intake calls for an overweight baby and mom.

These are disadvantages to consuming more than recommended calories. As there are vast options of food choices to make as an expecting mother, there are some food items that are to be avoided during the course of pregnancy. To avoid these food sources, you are bringing a lot of benefits to yourself and your unborn child.

Here are some advantages of avoiding such food items

Benefits Of Avoiding Unrecommended Foods During Pregnancy

●       Mercury and lead poisoning will be avoided.

●       The effects of harmful bacteria like E.coli, salmonella and listeria will be non evident.

●       Certain abnormalities will be avoided as the consumption of certain unrecommended foods will be restricted.

●       In the early stages of pregnancy, some fruits are to be avoided as they are reported to contain certain chemicals that soften the cervix, which leads to miscarriage.

How Should Women Stay Healthy During Pregnancy?

How Should Women Stay Healthy During Pregnancy?

Staying healthy is advised in all stages of life. Women should stay healthy during pregnancy as their lifestyle choices might affect both her and the baby’s health.

How should a pregnant woman stay healthy? With these simple and effective tips, you are on your way to a healthy and happy pregnancy!

●       By Eating A Balanced Diet

Eating a diet rich in proteins will add a healthy weight to babies without any risks. Balancing out your meals is the best way to provide your body the best nutrients it needs for strength, nourishment and health.

●       By Increasing Their Mobility

Do you know that pregnant women who actively took part in exercise and mobility had easier births with less complications and birth canal tears? Engaging in leg exercises and stretches will make childbirth easier. It also helps the mother relieve stress and mood swings, and helps her regulate her weight and sugar levels. Enjoy taking light walks or leg stretches. Lift recommended weights and engage in squats if it suits you. Create a workout plan that helps you relieve pains and relaxes your body. You should feel calm and energized after a workout, not in dire pains or discomfort. If you feel any symptoms of pain, stop the workout immediately.

●       By Staying Hydrated

Hydration is the key to health and it is important for pregnant women to stay as hydrated as possible. It reduces stress, flushes waste and reduces complications associated with dehydration in pregnancy. It has been said that proper hydration increases the chances of an uncomplicated birth.

●       By Taking Rest

Taking rest is as important as other healthy lifestyle practices as it gives the mother and child a lot of benefits. Taking proper rest reduces stress, pressure on the cervix and helps nutrient and oxygen transfer better. Lack of rest during pregnancy causes a lot of complications, some of which could be long term and very dangerous.

Lack of sleep during pregnancy increases risk of high blood pressure, gestational diabetes and stress in the mother. It causes fetal anemia which affects the child years after birth.

Staying healthy during pregnancy is recommended and must be put into practice. It is not difficult or unbearable, staying healthy needs a bit of consistency and routine to help you achieve maximum health for both mother and child.

Nine Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

Nine Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

To every delicate situation, there is a diet rule on what to avoid to prevent complications. Avoiding these foods will greatly improve the health of mother and child, improve breast milk production, and reduce food poisoning due to bacteria and mercury.

These foods are;

●       Raw and soft boiled eggs. Soft boiled eggs contain salmonella which is very detrimental to the health of a pregnant woman. It is best to avoid raw eggs and eat eggs that are properly washed and boiled.

●       Raw fish. Raw fish contains harmful bacteria that will degrade the health of a mother. It is best to cook raw fish and seafood properly before eating. Heat kills bacteria in food, making it a great choice for pregnant women to enjoy without the fear of health defects.

●       Mackerel, swordfish and shark. These fishes can lead to mercury poisoning that will affect the health of your unborn child greatly.

●       Soft cheese and unpasteurised milk. These food products are not great food choices for expecting mothers as they might contain harmful bacteria.

●       Caffeine is not advised to consume as a pregnant woman. It is harmful to your unborn child.

●       Alcoholic beverages should be strictly avoided. No amount of alcohol intake is advised for pregnant women as it causes great complications in pregnancy.

●       Unwashed fruits and vegetables pose a risk of bacterial infections.

●       Liver and organ meat contains a very high concentration of vitamin A which could be dangerous to a pregnant woman.

●       Papaya and pineapples. They are advised to be avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy. They are said to cause miscarriages from chemicals which soften the cervix.

To regain the best pregnancy experience, it is best to avoid the foods listed above or replace them for something more beneficial.

Three Snack Ideas For Pregnant Women.

Snacking during pregnancy is completely normal and even advised, as women are recommended to take in more calories as they progress into their pregnancy journey.

Pregnancy also comes with an incessant craving for almost everything, both edible and inedible!

The best way to add nourishing calories is the body while satisfying cravings.

●       Banana and strawberry smoothie

Strawberries are packed with rich nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, folate and fiber. It is also tasty and colorful, and combined with bananas and a serving of peanut butter and a dash of honey gives you the benefits of a balanced snack.

To make this recipe you’ll need;

●       ½ cups of strawberry

●       One large banana

●       A tablespoon of peanut butter

●       And a drizzle of honey or maple syrup.


●       In a smoothie blender, add all the ingredients and blend till smooth.

●       Transfer to a large bowl and add a sprinkle of your favorite nut.

●       Serve and enjoy immediately!

●       Hard boiled eggs.

Although it is not considered as a snack, it is completely healthy and it is a great source of protein and choline that helps brain development in your child. Make sure to boil your eggs for twenty minutes, and add them to salads, sandwiches and even snacks.

●       Apples And Nut Butters

This is a great snack for women who crave chocolate and crunchy snacks. This combination is beneficial to a pregnant woman’s body as she is provided with iron, vitamins and protein. To make this recipe, slice apples and spread your favorite nut butters on them. Chill and enjoy!

Enjoy these tasty recipes as you go along with your pregnancy. Drink lots of bone broth, water and fruit juices for health benefits.

How To Manage Pregnancy

For women who are new to pregnancy, managing symptoms might be difficult to adjust to. These pregnancy hacks and tips will help your pregnancy more manageable.

●       Take prenatal vitamins to provide supplementary benefits alongside your diet.

●       Consuming food high in protein and folate helps to prevent muscle loss during pregnancy.

●       Avoid overconsumption of carbohydrates that can convert to fat and cause gestational diabetes.

●       For women who are in their first trimester, consume ginger and turmeric tea, alongside vitamin B6 supplements to reduce nausea and vomiting symptoms.

●       Hydrate properly to avoid constipation, and avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages.

●       Engage in mobility exercises and stretches that may ease birth and reduce complications.

●       Be kind to yourself. You are a hero and you should enjoy every part of your journey. Be proud of your achievements, seek support from communities and loved ones.

●       Seek professional help if any complications arise.

These tips will make your pregnancy easier and healthier, and also reduce your risk of pregnancy induced complications.



Food is an important part of pregnancy, and every expecting mother should enjoy the process. Avoid toxic foods that cause complications, enjoy foods that improve your health and engage in light exercises. Also take rest seriously, prenatal vitamins and visits to the clinic should also be regular.

The best health starts from healthy eating, so indulge in it!

You can visit out other articles about nutrition and food too!

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