Introduction To Hair Health
The impact on diet and nutrition on hair health. How is that possible?
Learn the importance of proper nutrition to achieve luscious, healthy hair.
What you eat affects your overall health. Healthy hair is an important indicator that you live a healthy lifestyle.
The right balance of proteins and micronutrients that are essential for proper hair growth is recommended.
Research has linked hair health to proper diet and adequate intake of vitamins, so if you plan on having healthy hair, this post is for you.
Put it in mind that healthy hair is not based on length. You do not need to have long locks to consider it healthy. Hair health is determined by the shine and strength.
Hair length and health are two different factors, but we can agree that there are some factors that contribute to hair health and length. Some might be;
● Genetics.
Genetics play a big role in hair health and length. Hair brittleness, baldness and thinning can be traced back to genetics. Although genetics play a big role in hair health, these factors can not be controlled as easily as diet and nutrition.
● Hormonal problems
Hormonal issues and some kind of therapy also play a big role in hair health. It is important to check with your physician if you feel you have tried over the counter remedies for your hair and it has shown no positive results. Chemotherapy is an active culprit in making hair follicles weaker and prone to breakage. Have a consultation with your doctor if you have such issues for professional advice.
● Nutrition
Nutrition and diet play an important role in improving hair health. Changing your lifestyle by incorporating foods rich in essential nutrients and balanced diets increases your chances at having better hair.
● Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle improves the quality of hair through the amount of time an individual takes care of themselves. A lifestyle with limited stress, unhealthy fats and a balanced diet creates enough space for hair follicles to flourish and grow in health.
● Thyroid
Disease also causes hair loss in an individual. It’s best to discuss with a professional on how to improve your hair health.
How Nutrition Affects Hair Health
Research shows that people who had deficiency in iron, biotin and essential fatty acids had a higher chance of hair brittleness and breakage. The hair lacked shine and lush, creating a dull and matted look.
Improper intake of alcohol also has a negative impact on hair health, as it reduces absorption of trace nutrients that are essential for hair growth.
Protein encourages growth and strength of hair follicles, that means improper intake of protein reduces hair health.
Studies show that proper intake in niacin, selenium and zinc play an important role in preventing certain hair problems such as alopecia. Fatty acids, biotin and cyanocobalamin (B 12) are also important in improving hair strength and shine.
If you are always complaining of hair brittleness and dull hair, it is possible that you have a deficiency in iron and zinc. Make sure to incorporate them into your diet.
Do not forget to drink your retinols. Retinol is also a great addition to increase hair, skin and nail health as it is high in vitamin A. While retinol hasn’t been linked to hair health, vitamin A has.
Food items such as carrots, apples and tomatoes are rich in retinol, and is good for your health as it aids digestion, increases skin and hair health by adding a soft shine, and brightens complexion.

Tips To Improve Your Diet To Restore Hair Health
These tips were tailored to actively source out solutions to your hair problems by providing you tips on how to improve your diet. Consistency in this diet choice would lead to an improvement in your hair health.
Try making a thirty day goal to improve your hair health by incorporating recommended diet choices that would improve your hair health and luster.
● Add more protein to your diet.
Protein contains the most essential building block that can strengthen hair follicles and increase hair growth. Food high in amino acids such as lentils, beef, dairy and eggs are good sources to incorporate in your diet.
● Incorporate essential fatty acids as they play a big role in restoring your hair health.
Eating foods high in omega -3 such as walnuts, salmon and soybeans do not only add protein to your diet, but improves the strength of your hair by providing fatty acids. Do not overcook your proteins, as they have the tendency to change structure and lose important nutrients. Soybean milk is a great replacement for milk, and is high in fatty acids and proteins. Have fun tossing recipes together to create what works for you.
● Minimize alcohol intake.
This is a lifestyle that impacts your hair health negatively as it reduces the ability for trace nutrients such as selenium and zinc to be absorbed appropriately. Increase in alcohol intake does not only reduce your chances to have healthy hair, it also increases the chances of brittle hair follicles and dull hair.
● Drink more smoothies instead
Drinking smoothies and fresh fruit juices are better alternatives to sugar filled sodas and alcohol.
It is packed with vitamin A which is directly linked to better hair health, improving both shine and encourages hair growth. It also promises better skin and nail health, a glowy look and a brighter, less sallow skin tone.
If you have skin and hair problems, it is best you detoxify your system by taking more fruits and vegetables that are beneficial to guy health.
It is also advisable to indulge in prebiotics, as it aids digestion and is also a tasty option to meals that are low in fat.
Recommend Foods That Improve Hair Health.
● Lentils, Greek yogurt, soybeans and eggs add protein and essential fatty acids to your diet. Consider incorporating them In your meal plan if you want healthy hair.
● Carrots, ginger, berries, apples and leafy greens add vitamin A which is necessary for hair growth and strength. Make smoothies or drinks out of them, or a salad. Do not over cook them as they have a tendency to lose their nutritional value.
● Milk, dairy and Beef adds essential nutrients like Protein and iron, which strengthen hair follicles and reduce breakage. Do not take meat in large amounts as it is linked to type -2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Incorporating these meals into your daily lifestyle surely increases your chances of having healthy, shiny hair with less breakage.
If you have tried diet rehabilitation and you haven’t seen a positive change, do well to visit your physician to diagnose the problem. Although nutrition plays an important role in hair development, other factors are also responsible for stunted hair growth. Get diagnosed properly, and seek treatment immediately to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
Eating a healthy diet can improve your hair health. Hair is an important sign of overall health and strong hair comes from getting the right nutrients. While genetics and hormones can affect hair health too, diet is something you can control. By eating enough protein, essential fatty acids, vitamin A, and zinc, you can keep your hair healthy. This article suggests including lentils, Greek yogurt, soybeans, eggs, carrots, ginger, berries, apples, leafy greens, milk, dairy, and beef in your meals.
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