Nutrient-Rich Diet for Cancer Patients

Nutrient-Rich Foods Every Cancer Patient Should Add to Their Diet
Table Of Contents

The introduction to cancer management through food, their benefits and how to set up a healthy diet plan that speeds up healing.

Cancer patients struggle from many deficiencies from the various sessions of therapies they undergo. These therapies cause so many side effects like loss of taste and smell, hair and muscle loss. Cancer itself degrades the health of an individual, and if you are struggling from cancer, there are good sources that are recommended for you to gain energy and nutrient supply.

Your physician should recommend these food sources also, as they are linked to cell rejuvenation which could assist in body repair and health. These food sources are mainly;

Food Sources That Assists Cancer Recovery


Protein is the base or building block of all cells. It helps muscle building, energy and cell replacement. It is advised for all cancer patients to include proteinous foods in their diet to prevent muscle loss from chemotherapy.

Omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids control inflammation of cells, and help cell rejuvenation alongside proteins. Found in so many sources of protein. Omega-3 is sure to help you get back your muscle mass and reduce inflammation.

Vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins and minerals relieve the symptoms of cancer, regain energy and strength, and supply a large amount of nutrients that nourishes the body back to health.

Combining these food sources in your diet increases your chance to better health, less recurrence of cancer and gain of muscle mass and hair.

Nutrient-Rich Foods Every Cancer Patient Should Include in Their Diet

The best food products to get the beneficial nutrients like proteins, phytochemicals and omega-3 fatty acids are;

Recommended Food Products For Cancer Patients

●       Plant based proteins like lentils, beans, peas, nuts and seeds. They are excellent protein sources that build muscle and help in cell rejuvenation. It is recommended to add protein to any serving of your meal no matter how little. Adding peanut butter to your smoothies or eating a handful of seeds gives a great source of proteins that are beneficial for healing.

●       Eggs are great sources of protein that fights against DNA repair, helps cell healing and restoration, and maintains strength while building muscle mass.

●       Cruciferous vegetables. Food products like cabbages, bok choy and cauliflower are great sources of fibre, phytochemicals and vitamins that stimulate cell growth while inhibiting cancerous cells from surviving.

●       Yoghurt is a fermented food source that improves the digestive tract of the body. If yoghurt is not your preference, try eating kombucha, kimchi and other prebiotic options.

●       Whole Grains help reduce the risk of cancerous growth in the body.

●       Fatty fishes are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids which are known as cancer preventive and fighting foods.

●       Bone broth is rich in collagen, vitamins and natural supplements that help rejuvenate body cells. Collagen is known for its restorative properties on the body, and bone broth has a concentrated amount of pure collagen to consume.

Nutrient-Rich Foods Every Cancer Patient Should Include in Their Diet

While these food products are recommended to eat, moderation is also needed as over consumption can cause weight gain, digestive issues and an increased risk of cancer.

How To Set Up A Diet Plan After Being Diagnosed With Cancer

The thing to do after being diagnosed with cancer varies from mental health to proper feeding and healing. This requires routine medical check up, proper therapy and a balanced diet. The key is to bounce back to health as soon as possible, and setting up a proper diet plan is part of your healing journey.

●       Seek medical help; after being diagnosed with cancer, it is important to listen to your doctor’s advice on foods to consume and what not to. Listening to the doctor helps your recovery faster and reduces the risk of recurrence, it also helps improve your overall health and allows healthy replacement of cells.

●       Plan a balanced meal; A meal that has been properly balanced calls for quicker and easier recovery. A little portion of every recommended food source should be in your meal plan and diet routine.

●       Eat more protein; Protein is recommended for every patient diagnosed, or going under treatment. It helps the prevention of muscle breakdown, provides energy, and replaces dead and destroyed cells. Plant based proteins are highly recommended as they are easier to digest and contain so many nutritional values.

●       Stay hydrated always; Adding Hydrating Beverages to your meal plan helps flushes toxins and improve kidney health. It also assists cell rejuvenation as it will not function and be digested properly without hydration. Adding water and caffeine free beverages work best for the body’s development.

●       Eat less portions of food frequently; It is advised to eat less portions of food frequently as it is beneficial to digestion and reduces inflammation. It also relieves the body organs from overworking and causing stress.

●       Include more smoothies in your diet plan; After some therapy sessions, most cancer patients find it difficult to swallow hard foods, and some beverages do not contain enough calories and a balanced meal for body function. That is where smoothies are important. Smoothies contain the most good sources, are easier to swallow and also tasty and a great substitute for refined sugar.

●       Include vegetables, dark chocolate and fermented foods in your diet to improve your recovery pace. Vegetables are rich sources of fiber and additional vitamins alongside fruits, which aids digestion, strength and prevents inflammation. Dark chocolate helps lower risk of certain cancers and should be consumed in moderation due to its sugar content.

Nutrient-Rich Foods Every Cancer Patient Should Include in Their Diet

●       Practice consistency; Although you lose sense of taste and smell during and after cancer diagnosis, nutrition plays a big role in healing. Practicing consistency while being supported by family members and loved ones will benefit both your mental and physical health.

Start by drawing a seven day meal plan and be sure it suits your taste and satisfies your body needs. In the first month, opt for rejuvenating food sources and smoothies, when you notice an improvement in your body, you can broaden your food choices. Have fun and be creative with your meal plan, eat colorful food and stay hydrated.


Benefits Of A Nutrient Rich Diet While Combating Cancer

There are vast benefits of eating after being diagnosed with cancer. Firstly, food is a requirement for health. Secondly, healthy food elevated health especially during sickness. It rejuvenates and prepares the body to fight against attacks, and also helps to recover after an attack.

Food is a part of life and health and it is considered the second therapy. Here are the impacts of a nutrient dense diet while combating cancer.

●       A Nutrient Rich Diet prevents infection caused by inflammation.

●       A healthy diet helps increase recovery rate.

●       A healthy diet restores strength and combats stress.

●       A healthy diet reduces depression.

●       Eating a balanced diet reduces the risk of cancer linked diseases like diabetes due to weight gain after therapy.

●       Eating healthy and working out helps regulate weight.

●       Eating cruciferous vegetables is said to ward off cancer cells in the body.

These are the benefits of including recommended meals into your diet plan. Regularly visiting your physician, working out and proper self care routine and relaxation can increase recovery rate by 12 percent. Avoid tobacco, alcohol and harsh drugs during treatments as they are known to thin blood, increase risk of cancer recurrences and shorten lifespan.

Nutrient-Rich Foods Every Cancer Patient Should Include in Their Diet

How To Manage Cancer.

Living with undiagnosed cancer can be risky, and managing cancer can be stressful. Fortunately there are so many options to choose from when managing cancer and undergoing treatment. They vary according to your physician’s diagnosis and the level of cancer you might have.

Cancer management could be the use of hormonal therapy, surgery or radiation to destroy cancer cells in the body. According to the degree of your cancer, you may need only one or more treatments.

They could be;

●       Surgery;

Surgery is a physical process that removes as many cancer cells as possible. Affected areas might also be removed to prevent recurrence.

●       Chemotherapy;

Chemotherapy is the use of active drugs or as it is called, chemicals to kill cancer cells. This may have side effects like loss of taste and smell, nausea and vomiting. It is best to discuss with your doctor on proper management of these side effects.

●       Immunotherapy;

This uses your immune system to fight against dangerous cancer cells. Immunotherapy helps your body recognize cancer cells as an intruder and destroy it.

●       Bone marrow transplant;

This involves using stem cells from your body’s bone marrow or a transplanted one to fight against cancer cells and also replace dead and destroyed bone marrow.

●       Targeted Drug therapy:

It targets specific factors or abnormalities that may allow cancer cells to thrive in the body.

●       Hormonal therapy;

Hormonal therapy works best in hormone targeted organs, like breast and prostate. Sometimes hormones can be produced in excess, causing the growth of cancerous cells. Removing those hormones stops the growth of cancer.

It is best to talk to your physician on what would be best for treatment and cure.

Cancer management is also more than treatments. It also involves the proper routines that will nurse your body back to its healthy state and also support recovery.

They may include;

●       Proper rest to repair the body

●       A balanced diet to aid faster recover

●       Good hygiene, as unhealthy bacteria can cause more infections that can degrade health.

●       Light exercises that strengthen the body, reduce stress and reduce weight gain due to therapy.

It is possible to recover from cancer, as there are many cancer survivors in the world today due to modern technology. While treatments are sure to get the body back to health, proper nutrition and daily routines improve symptoms and aid quicker recovery.


Cancer is not a death sentence. And nutrition can aid in bringing the body back to a balanced state. Indulge in the best treatments for your body as recommended by your physician, and accompany the treatments with a proper routine that manages the body during recovery.

You can Visit our other articles about food & nutrition.

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