Can Women Workout While Being On Their Period

Workout on Periods
Table of Contents

Introduction To Period Exercise

How To Make The Best Use Of That Time Of The Month.

Workout on Periods

The best workout routines for women on their periods explained in detail.

The menstrual window of the month calls for the flow of blood, bowel issues and general discomfort for so many women. During this time of the month, most women rely on painkillers and bed rest while hoarding a large amount of sugar filled food, savory and salty condiments and lots of dairy products that can make menstrual flow more uncomfortable and disturbing.

This post discusses the best ways to make the best use of your periods, relieve cramps and lighten your flow with simple exercises and self care routines.

Several research conducted on women have gathered the observations made when they workout during their periods. They observed the following compared to women who didn’t;

●       They noticed that the women who worked out during their periods had more energy and strength than their counterparts, who complained of extreme tiredness and the need to take a bed rest.

●       They also noticed that the women who worked out had less cramps and discomfort, while the women who neglected the need for workout complained of severe menstrual cramps.

●       They also noticed a boost in the women’s mood, and they had less symptoms of mood swings compared to their counterparts.

●       They reported that they had a lighter and easier period flow.

These observations led to a conclusion that workout is beneficial for women who are menstruating. If you plan on easing your period symptoms, you should consider working out for about 20 minutes, before doing your self care routines that can help elevate the quality of your period experience more.

There are other factors that helped ease menstrual discomfort as concluded by experts. These are;

Workout on Periods

●       Taking a hot bath. A hot bath relieves cramps and muscles in the body, lifts your mood, and lessens unnecessary pain. Take a thirty minute hot bath and see how relieved your body will be, it just helps!

●       Drinking ginger tea. Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory benefits. It improves mood and reduces cramps, while easing period flow.

●       Light snacking. It’s common to notice intense cravings during your menstrual window. Indulging is healthy snacks like crackers and a caffeine free beverage helps blood flow and relieves symptoms.

Do what works for you and what helps during your period. But if you are considering working out as part of your period self-care routine, there are few factors to keep in mind before trying workout. They can be;

●       Avoid high intensity workout as it only causes inflammation and increases discomfort.

●       Indulge in healthy and light meals that can energise you, but also detoxify and calm your system.

●       Taking rest and relaxation seriously.

●       Practising other forms of self-care habits that may improve your menstrual experience.

For women wondering if it’s okay to workout on their periods, the answer is yes, and it is also beneficial for your health!

The benefits are vast and it is important to try out exercises that benefit you the most. The benefits can vary from unnoticeable to a great improvement in your body. Let’s take a look.

5 Benefits Of Working Out On Your Period 


Workouts generally improved health and the quality of living. From promoting a stronger body to improving mental health and reducing stress, these are the benefits women get while working out during their periods.

● It Improves Mood.

Working out releases endorphins in the bloodstream, which causes an increase in happiness and calm. Women who workout report that they feel in a perfect mood after a workout routine during their periods. They also reported that they feel lighter and calmer. Moodiness is a common symptom of menstruation. Try working out if you feel moody on your period.

● It Reduces Bloating.

Bloating is one of the most prevalent symptoms of menstruation. It can also add to cramps and stomach discomfort. Causes of bloating during menstruation could include a high intake of dairy products and red meat such as beef, high salt and sugar intake and dehydration and lack of physical activity.

Incorporating workout routines help reduce painful bloating drastically, and you may feel a big relief while doing so.

● It Helps Increase Blood Flow

Whether it is general or your period, exercise helps increase blood flow and heart health. Your menstrual flow may seem lighter and easier, and your energy will be constant. Incorporate breathing exercises into your workout routine to get the best circulatory benefits during your period.

● It Regulates Your Cycle.

Engaging in light aerobic exercises helps regulate your cycle by balancing out your hormones, reduces stress and improves your overall health. It also leads to weight loss which contributes to regulating the menstrual cycle.

● It Reduces Cramps

Cramps are the most common and uncomfortable symptom of a period. It is the main cause of moodiness and bowel disturbances, which can lead to a bad menstrual experience. Engaging in light workout routines helps release tension in the abdominal area and release cramps.

There are more benefits to enjoy while working out on your period like weight loss, the increased urge to stay hydrated and it also improves your sleep routine.

5 Exercises Recommended For Women On Their Period 


There are exercises recommended for women to get the most of their menstrual flow. They are light and easy while being effective. They are beginner friendly and can be done at home also. They are;


Swimming is a medium intensity workout procedure that is great for releasing endorphins and improving moodiness. It also encourages blood flow and increased energy. Trying swimming is a great way to tone your body while having fun and getting energised. Take swimming classes and swim with caution if you are a beginner and don’t know how to swim.

Light Yoga Poses

Yoga has calming and soothing effects on the body when done right. Its call for deep breathing and meditation helps relieve tension, cramps and stomach discomfort. It is highly recommended to avoid yoga poses with twists and high intensity, as it increases inflammation and cramps. Cat, cow and cobra yoga poses are great for their light and relieving feeling and it is best effective after a hot bath.

Gentle Stretches

Just like yoga, gentle stretches have a calming effect on the body during and after workout. With its slow movements, stretching makes it possible for your body to relax and your mood to increase. It also relieves cramps and abdominal pains and reduces contraction of the uterine walls.


Walking is a simple yet effective workout procedure that relieves period cramps with consistency. Starting with five minutes of a walking session, you will notice changes in your body. Increasing the time and pace makes your body lighter, helps you gain energy, and clears your cloudy mind. It increases blood flow and contributes to weight loss.  You can progress from walking to a light jog, then a slow run. These degrees of motion have their different benefits, so be sure to use them according to your preference.

Light Jogging

Light Jogging is a more challenging workout routine but it is just as effective as the other forms of exercises . It releases endorphins that encourages mood relief, it also acts as a natural painkiller that could help minimize period cramps. It also reduces bloating and digestive issues while increasing your blood flow and regulating your period cycle as you get consistent.

These exercises have unique benefits that can provide almost instant relief and better period experience. Doing these workout routines regularly improves feminine health and promotes long life.

Self-care Routines That Helps Relieve Menstrual Problems.


Workout is just a form of self-care habits women are advised to form if they want to improve their Menstrual health. These practices help the regulation and balance of hormones, reduce cramps and reduce moodiness, tiredness and burnout.

They are crucial for women who have a bad period experience and want a better experience.

  Sleep And Proper Relaxation

Sleeping and proper relaxation is the key to having better periods as it reduces cramps, stress and muscle tension. It also improves mood and increases your coordination and motor function. Stress is the key to irregular periods, and sleep tackles that problem easily.

  Taking A Warm Bath

Taking a warm bath promotes healthy period hygiene while easing cramps effectively. It also soothes sore muscles and makes you feel good. It clears up your cloudy mind and makes you more active, preparing you for proper relaxation.

  Drinking Herbal Teas

Teas like ginger tea have been reported to reduce symptoms like nausea and vomiting, while tackling bloating effectively. Fennel tea is known for its healing properties, and it helps reduce cramps drastically.

  Engaging In Light Exercises

Engaging in light exercises helps decrease PMS, elevate mood and regulate menstrual cycle. Practicing these routines is the best way to get various benefits immediately.

  Enjoying Your Favorite Hobbies

Enjoying your favorite hobbies produces feel good hormones and results in a less painful period. It also keeps you active which is a great way to tackle other period symptoms effectively.

While these are great ideas for achieving the best out of your period, there are common habits that are known for making a period worse. Most of these behaviors are incorporated in everyday life and need to be limited during menstrual flow. These are;

  Taking Alcoholic Beverages.

Alcohol consumption increases blood flow as it is a blood thinner, which is caused by an increase in oestrogen. It disrupts hormone balance, making your period irregular and unmanageable.

  Engaging In Triggering Situations.

Engaging in situations that trigger you only spoils your mood and increases tension and stress in your body. This leads to other negative period symptoms like cramps and weakness. Engaging in triggering situations should be avoided.

  Consuming Cold Beverages.

While cold water has no effect on your period, cold beverages might add a sugar spike to your body, making your period cramps uncomfortable. It also leads to unhealthy weight gain and a risk of diabetes.

  Consuming Large Amounts Of Salty Foods.

Consuming large amounts of salty foods increases bloating, breast swelling and fluid retention. These factors make period flow undesirable and increase discomfort.

  Consuming Large Amounts Of Red Meat.

Red meat like beef and pork contains a high amount of prostaglandins, which is the sole cause of cramps and stomach discomfort. Red meat also causes excessive bleeding and irregular periods if consistent.

  Consuming Dairy Products

Can intensify period discomfort due to high levels of arachidonic acid. Try substituting dairy products with nut variations like nut milk, nut yoghurt and vegetarian butter.

These factors are linked to reducing the quality of feminine health and your period over time. Learn to substitute and consume meals that are beneficial to your period health.

6 Best Foods To Eat On Your Period

These are the best meal options that add benefit to your menstrual flow. Consider consuming them when you have a craving, or before workout.

●       Bananas

●       Watermelon

●       Eggs

●       Lean meat

●       Herbal teas

●       Fruit salads



Participating in workout routines during your period is one of the best ways to relieve uncomfortable symptoms. Adding workout to other self-care routines makes your period better to experience. Make sure to have proper hygiene, eat healthy meals and rest appropriately for a regular and healthy period.

You can visit our other articles about fitness and nutrition.

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