Learn how to tackle feeding challenges in your baby, what to do if your baby stops eating, and when to feed your baby.
You may feel frustrated when you notice your baby’s response to food is negative. Your baby might lose weight, and this is a great concern for mothers. In this post, everything you need to know about your baby’s eating problems will be tackled.
Most times, new mothers panic about every slight change in their babies. While it is encouraged, your baby might just respond to things differently than other babies. For example, you might be concerned why your baby doesn’t eat in the first week of their sixth or seventh month. You’re worried, because your neighbour’s baby girl started showing a desire for food at the end of her fifth month, and she’s progressing In her feeding journey. But yours is different. And you ask questions such as; did I do something wrong? Should I take my baby to the clinic?
The simple answer is no! Some babies are entirely different from others. Some may develop an interest for foods earlier than the others, some babies might still latch onto their mother’s feeding source, and some might stop eating for a while!
While these are common in babies and normal, you should look out for signs like high fever, discomfort and other symptoms. If these signs are what your baby display, it should be the right time to visit the clinic.

Why Your Baby Is Not Eating
Your baby may not eat due to the following reasons
● Lack of appetite
● The baby is not used to new foods
● The texture and taste of the food may not be the baby’s best choice
● Recovery from a sickness
When Should Be The Right Time To Visit The Doctor?
This is a common question most moms ask when they notice a slight change in their babies. Some of these symptoms are very common and can be treated easily at home, while some might be serious and should be treated in the hospital.
The right time to visit a doctor to tackle your baby’s health problems includes the following;
● When you notice a high fever, for babies aged 2-6 months, 39⁰C or higher should be taken seriously.
● When your baby have trouble breathing, or show signs of breathing difficulty. To reduce choking experiences with your baby, keep all choking hazards clear from your curious baby’s sight.
● When baby shows signs of dehydration, like less frequent urination, lethargy, dry eyes, lips and tongue.
● When your baby shows symptoms of cold.
● If your baby is not responsive to it’s environment or people around.
These are important signs that should be reported to your pediatrician immediately.
How To Know If Your Baby Is Healthy
You might think the absence of weird symptoms of sickness means your baby is healthy- yes, in a way, but there are other factors that determine your baby’s health such as;
● Weight Gain. If your baby is actively gaining weight, it means that your baby is well fed and healthy. Feed your baby with breast milk exclusively for the first six months of life, and notice the way the baby adjusts to gaining weight. A well fed baby is hydrated, with a healthy amount of wet nappies and a nourished body.
● Complexion. Your baby’s complexion determines your baby’s health especially in the seventh month of life. This means that the baby doesn’t lack vitamins and minerals that are responsible for the baby’s nourishment.
● Responsivity to movements. colors and the environment. This shows that your baby’s eyesight is healthy as it is responsive to moving objects, bright colors and the environment around them.
● Attentiveness to sounds. When your baby shows a reaction to certain sounds, this is a good time to note that your baby’s ears are healthy. They can listen and react to laughter, loud sounds and also music. If your baby doesn’t show reactions to sounds, it may be a sign to visit the clinic.
● Sleep routines. Your baby is healthy if he/she sleeps regularly, and cries less.
● Activity. If your baby starts showing signs of movement, this is a good sign, as your baby is showing signs of growth and flexibility in their muscles. Try laying your baby on their tummy if they start kicking their legs, raising their hands and shaking their bodies. This improves the movement drastically!
As a mom, you should enjoy the flow of your child’s growth. You should know that these factors do not come immediately after they are born, but as they progress into growth.
What To Do When Your Baby Is Not Eating.

Sometimes, baby’s eat due to several factors that do not have any significance with their health. It might be your baby’s reaction to food, and that can be corrected easily using simple methods like;
● Adding Breast Milk To Puréed Foods; This should be the first step to introduce your baby to eating if you have tried other methods. Your baby might still be used to breast milk, and there is no problem with that. Try giving your baby his or her favorite foods which is breast milk, and adding Puréed cucumbers or fruit to it. This makes it comforting as the baby is used to the breast milk, but interesting as there is a new taste and texture. Try different food items and find out what works for your baby.
● You should create a desire for eating in your baby by eating close to them. They can develop curiosity and the need to eat when mommy is eating near her baby. They would want to follow the mother’s pattern of eating, such as using their hands to grab a piece off the plate, and putting it in their mouths like mommy does. Try doing that, and dish out a small portion to test if your baby will follow the steps.
● If your baby stops eating all of a sudden, you should try hand feeding them. Start by washing your hands, and feed them really soft foods that they can digest. So many mothers use this hack, and have reported success when hand feeding their babies.
● Led weaning; This hack has gotten popularity over a few years, and it’s basically just letting your baby feed themselves, instead of going the traditional route of spoon feeding. Babies are very curious and inquisitive, and you can put this to test with their food. Try cutting solid foods into little pieces, and serve in small portions to see what your baby likes.
Sometimes patience and consistency is what you need if your baby doesn’t show signs of wanting to try new food.
You might be shocked to see your baby grabbing a handful of porridge out of your plate one day, and you can encourage eating from there. Another advice is to start feeding them a bit early, and to avoid using metals as this can cause a sensory problem. Sizes, colour and feel of your spoon can make a baby lose appetite. Most mothers reported that their babies ate more foods when they switched to chopsticks.
When You Should Feed Your Baby

How many times in a day should I have to feed my baby? This is a common question mothers ask. Time and frequency of feeding depends on the age of your baby, so it is great to keep this in mind.
Newborn babies are advised to be fed routinely and more frequently, but it is advised by doctors to feed your newborn every three hours, even at night. Waking your baby up to feed is important at this period, until your pediatrician advises you otherwise.
For 4-6 month old infants, it is important feed according to your baby’s hunger cues, and even making healthy but sugar free snacks available. Waking your baby up to feed at this stage. Most mothers tuck a bottle of breast milk alongside the baby if they choose to wake up to feed.
As their aga progresses, their feeding routines get easier, but their feeding journey and option to try more food increases. It is important to feed your baby when they show signs of hunger to encourage weight gain and statue.
How You Should Feed Your Baby

When your baby is in the infant stage, you should know when your baby is hungry, how to feed your baby appropriately, and what to do if your baby doesn’t show interest in eating. These are ways mother’s can feed their babies to encourage growth and perfect health.
● Continued Breastfeeding. Although your infant has started showing interest in new food options, you shouldn’t stop breastfeeding your baby as breast milk has all the nourishment a baby needs.
● Introduction Of Semisolid At Six Months Or Earlier. This encourages your baby to transition slowly into eating solid foods. Try adding spices like cinnamon and paprika (a tiny pinch!) To expand their taste experience with food.
● Increasing Food Options; Diversifying food and fruit options is a great way to feed your baby. Try changing their fruits or food options everyday until you get perfect.
● Feed your baby in response to their hunger cues. Do not wait for certain hours before giving them food. This can lead to malnourishment
Practicing these steps are beneficial to your baby’s health and development. If it doesn’t work, try giving it a break and starting again. Do not practice force feeding on your baby.

If your baby is not eating, do not panic! There are so many ways you can get your baby back to the table! Through the simple and effective steps mentioned above, your baby is sure to follow the best method that works. If your baby still struggles with eating, it is time to seek professional help.
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