A Beginner’s Guide To Exercise.
Learn the basics of workout routines, ten effective workout procedures to do at home without equipment, and their effectiveness in the body.
As a beginner to workout, fitness and exercise, going to the gym might be disheartening. Why? Most beginners have given up on their set fitness goals because they notice a few things that give them a lack of courage immediately when they step into the gym. Some of which can be;
● The cost of gym membership. For a beginner, it might seem like a waste of money especially when there is no workout experience, and any slight discomfort can change their minds immediately.
● The experience level of the gym participants. This factor may also discourage a beginner level participant as they are met with people who are more experienced and active unlike them. This could also lead to unnecessary injuries as some beginner participants would like to try the workout routine of an advanced level gym participant.
● The over consistency of the gym members can also be a discouragement to beginners. It is important to go according to your pace and build efficiently, that your body can increase in endurance and strength.
● The anxiety and fear of being judged. This is a very common reason as to why people skip the gym. Some people might feel so conscious of themselves that they start to do a workout procedure wrongly, thereby causing unnecessary strain on the muscles.

If these factors discourage you and you plan on giving up, this post is tailored for you. As a beginner to intermediate level, it is advised to use simple but effective workout procedures at home before bulking up on the gym. This helps you gain leverage, prepare your body for more serious workout routines and reduces injuries and soreness caused by wrong positioning.
Before starting a workout routine at home, you should consider the following factors that can help you build an active goal plan. This creates consistency in your workouts, builds resilience and self-control. These factors are;
● Your fitness goals before a particular time frame (it could be losing weight, building muscles or improving your general health. Time frame could be in six months, a year or two according to your choices.
● Your fitness level (you could be a beginner, intermediate or advanced level).
● The kind of results you want.
● The type of workout routines you will follow.
● Your endurance level.
These factors not only help you build a fitness plan, but also increase your chances of compatibility, consistency and determination to work out and keep fit.
Home workout routines are great for people who are actively starting out their fitness journey and don’t know what to do. Although anybody can workout at home without equipment, beginner level participants seem to have more problems hitting the gym than other levels of fitness participants. Here’s how to start a fitness journey at home, build experience and gain leverage before going into the gym.
● Be determined
● Start slow and steady
● Increase pace with time
● Allow time for rest and recovery.
● Incorporate balance
● Eat healthy, not strict
Why You Should Start a Workout Routine at Home.
There are various reasons why you should workout at home, but the most popular reasons would be targeted in this post. There are different reasons to workout at home, from being inexperienced to cutting expenses or even reducing anxiety. Whether you are an expert in workout or you just start minutes ago, these are great reasons you should consider working out at home!
● Convenience; Your home is the most comfortable place for you to start a workout routine without fear of being judged or criticized. It also builds your confidence gradually as you grow, helping your self-confidence and building your resilience.
● It offers flexibility; Your home is the best way to tackle tight gym schedules and rules. At home you can work out at any time, at your own pace, and build your own routines. You can choose to work out any hour of the day, as long as you’re consistent and practicing balance.
● It is always available; your home is always available to work out in full capacity. You do not have to wait for turns to use an equipment, you do not have to waste time and work out if schedule while at home.
● Privacy; your privacy is valued and secured, and you have no judgement and disturbance of other people.
● Budget friendly; You’re cutting cost when you workout at home because you do not have to pay for membership fee that might still distract from pursuing your workout goals. Saving money while getting effective with your workout routine is beneficial to your health, privacy and confidence.
While working out, you need to put few lifestyle habits into consideration as it will cause more positive response on your body’s health. Few of these factors include;

● Staying hydrated; staying hydrated flushes out toxins from your body as you actively workout. Your body needs water to rejuvenate cells while working out, keeping you more active and healthy.
● Eating healthy; working out without eating healthy is an empty task. You can’t be healthy without complying to the rules of fitness, which is accompanying healthy food choices with effective workout procedures and proper lifestyle habits.
● Sleeping Appropriately; lack of sleep reduces your will to work as it makes your body weaker. It also has a link to weight gain, as cortisol is produced when stressed. High cortisol levels leads to weight gain and sallow skin tone, life threatening diseases and shorter lifespan.
● Practicing balance; what is balance in fitness? It is the appropriate combination of all routines. Before working out, consider your food choices, sleep routines, how you snack and your non nutritional food intake.
● Listening to your body’s signs; you might want to workout and obtain results immediately. This is wrong as you can’t see results immediately after a workout. It is important to listen to your body when it is tired, stressed out or hungry. Take these cues as a sign to give your body the attention it deserves.
● Relaxing and reviving yourself ; relaxing your body also gives it time to rejuvenate for another physical activity. Without proper relaxation, your body would try to adjust by producing hormones in excess that may cause harm.
As you grow into the lifestyle, you will notice that it is as easy as anything. Growing a good fitness journey helps you build much bigger and better life choices through staying consistent and determined.
10 Best Workout Routines To Do At Home Without Equipment’s.
Considering your fitness level, you need to understand the basics and need for equipments. Most people will recommend beginners to cut out equipments from their goals as it will distract them from reaching their goals within a timeframe (lack of courage, extreme strain on body because of lack of experience, injuries.)
These are the best workout routines that are both effective and efficient, easy to do at home in no time.
You just need a workout mat, a fit apparel and a prepared mindset to workout without break.
Workout 1: Squats And It’s Variations.
Sqauts is the perfect workout procedure for beginners. This exercise targets the lower body, strengthens your core and shapes your thighs and glutes. There are variations to squats such as squat jumps, sumo squats and squat pulses. Their bases start with squats, but some twists are added for extra burn and results.

● Stand with your feet a little wider than your hips, keeping your back straight and engaging your gluteal muscles.
● Go into a sitting position slowly, with your hands on your hips or in front of your body. While going into a squat position, make sure not to go lower that your knees.
● Hold the position for ten seconds. Make sure to squeeze your gluteal muscles while doing so.
● Get up slowly, releasing your gluteal muscles while doing do. Repeat this set ten times before taking a break.
This workout routine is great for people who want to lose weight while building muscle or retaining shape. It shapes your glutes thighs and legs effectively. Make sure to do this routine three times a week.
Workout 2: Lunges.
This exercise is also popular for actively strengthening the lower body. It involves an individual to go into a kneeling position, but one leg is forward, making the workout very effective if you have lower body concerns.
Lunges target the following muscles in the body;
● Gluteus Maximums and minimums
● The quads
● The oblique
● The calves.

Making it possible for this work out to be effective for active weight loss and body decomposition. Adding squats to this routine makes the outcome ten times better.
● Start in a standing position with your feet wider than your hips.
● Step forward longer than a walking stride, then go into a kneeling position. Your feet should remain flat in the ground for stability. Also keep your back straight and your core engaged.
● Then push back into a standing position and repeat the set.
Workout 3: Mountain Climbers
This exercise will strengthen your core (abdominal muscles), your back muscles and glutes. These muscles are the fundamentals of a great posture. This exercise is high intensity, but low impact (it won’t make you too sore in your joints) and is recommended for people who have joint pain and want to start a great weight loss exercise without excessive strain.

● Get into a plank position. This means lying flat on your stomach, and propping your body weight on your palms. Your toes should be pointed towards the ground, and your body upward (your upper body should be higher than your lower body. Your hands should also be outstretched and palms should be open, as your body relies on your palms).
● Your hands should be a little bit wider than your shoulders; your abdominal muscles should be tucked in (be careful. The aim is to engage your core, not hold your breath.) And your back should be straight.
● Push your left or right leg into your chest as much as you can, do not lose position.
● Switch legs slowly, it should look like you’re running. Pull the other leg out while Pushing the next leg into your chest.
● Increase the pace gradually and according to your preferences.
Make sure to correct your form to avoid mistakes, do not bounce on your toes of relax your body’s weight on your legs. Do not move your waist and always straighten your back.
This makes the results more effective and avoids injuries.
Workout 4: Crunches.
Crunched is a core strengthening exercise that helps tone the stomach and waistline. It doesn’t necessarily burn stomach fat, so consider adding this routine to a fat burning exercise. This will make the results more effective.

● Lie down on your back and put your legs on the floor. Let your legs be spread a little wider than your hips.
● Bend your knees and bring your hands across your chest. Don’t forget to tighten your core muscles.
● Lift your upper body towards your bent knee while keeping your head and neck relaxed. Don’t forget to exhale while doing so.
● Inhale and return back to relaxed position.
Do not forget to current form as you do the exercise continuously to avoid injury and strain.
Workout 5: Superman
This is another recommended workout that doesn’t need equipment’s to be effective. This exercise targets the back, abs, glutes and hamstrings. This exercise is great if you want a nice posture while shaping your lower body.

● Lie flat on your stomach, with your hands and legs outstretched.
● Slowly lift your arms and legs towards the ceiling as far as you can, and hold for a few seconds.
● Focus on squeezing your glutes and back muscles as you hold, and gaze towards the ground to keep your neck steady.
● Release the position slowly and go back to the starting position.
● Repeat for as long as your body allows.
Workout 6: Leg Flutters.
Leg flutters are low impact exercises that strengthen the abdominal and back muscles, shape the gluteal muscles and keep your heart active.

● Lay flat in your back and keep your hands besides your body.
● Raise your legs at a forty-five-degree angle.
● Lift your head, neck and shoulders off the ground slightly, while kicking your legs up and down repeatedly.
Workout 7: Push Ups.
Pushups is the most common type of exercise that doesn’t use equipment, is flexible to do at home, and his variations. It improves the back’s flexibility by protecting it from injuries.
It also helps improve balance and posture, and makes it easier to do other workouts.

● Get on all fours, and position your hands wider than your shoulders.
● Extend your legs to the back, and do not relax your weight in them. Place your legs slightly wider than your hips also.
● Contract your abdominal muscles as you bend your elbows and lower yourself to the floor, until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.
● Exhale while pushing yourself upwards, back to start position.
Workout 8: Wall Sit.
Wall sit is a special exercise that doesn’t need any equipment, except a wall. It targets muscles like calves and strengthens core muscles, making it an exercise that builds stronger legs and better posture while promising a toned body.

● Place your back on a smooth wall. Keep your back flat and your neck steady.
● Crouch into a squat (check workout 1 reference) and hold for as long as you can. Start with 15 seconds and increase as you go on.
● Do not forget to contract your ab muscles and keep your posture in check.
● Come back to start position and rest before starting over.
Workout 9: Jumping Jacks.
Jumping jacks is a one-for-all type of exercise. It improves coordination, engages core, arm and leg muscles, while boosting your fitness.

● Stand in a straight position with your arms fully extended and your feet together. Your hands should be at your side and your toes pointed forward.
● Crouching your knees slightly, jump while swinging your arms and feet to the side before raising your arms above your head. This action should be simultaneous.
● After landing, return to start position and repeat action.
Workout 10: Bridges.
This low impact exercise tones the gluteal muscles, hamstrings, back and core muscles. Doing bridges increased stability in the back. It can also stretch the muscles of the shoulder and make it flexible.

● Lay on your back, with you facing upwards and your knees bent and your hands by your side with your palms flat on the ground.
● Lift your hips from the ground and extend till your knees, hips and shoulders form a straight line.
● Contract your gluteal and abdominal muscles while doing so. Hold this position for 15 seconds.
● Release and ease back to start position.
These ten exercises although different have two things in common. They are great for home workout routines and they do not need equipment!
Home workout is the easiest and most flexible way to start a fitness goal and keep fit on the long run.
Combining other healthy practices improves mode of living, and you should also consider various factors before starting a fitness goal. Ne hydrated, eat healthy and rest appropriately to get the best results your body can give you.
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